Varsha V Nair,
Founder, Clinical Nutritionist/Dietitian
Varsha V Nair is a Clinical Dietitian/Nutritionist based in Bangalore, India, specializing in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics.
With her expertise, Varsha has positively impacted the lives of individuals of all age groups, sharing her secrets to healthy living in various disease conditions. Her areas of specialization include Endocrinological disorders (such as Diabetes Mellitus, Thyroid disorders, and PCOD),
Gastroenterology, Cardiovascular health, Pulmonary health, Renal health, Gynecology (covering Maternal, Postpartum, and Infertility concerns), Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Oncology, and Obesity management.
As a dedicated healthcare professional, Varsha strongly opposes Health Frauds, Misdirected Health Claims, and Fad Products.
"NutriGoals" is a team of skilled nutritionists committed to providing personalized and sustainable nutrition plans that cater to your specific needs. We prioritize helping you cultivate a healthy and joyful relationship with food, without resorting to starvation diets. Instead, our approach focuses on designing a diet plan that considers your natural signals of hunger, satiety, and satisfaction. Our comprehensive meal plans ensure your nutritional requirements, including essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), are taken into account.
Experience the expertise and support of Varsha V Nair and the NutriGoals team as you embark on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.